Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Meet Pink&Charlie

  I will begin with some sort of "all about me" and "why I'm doing this" post.  I love fashion as well as sewing and photography. That just screams blog doesn't it? And if that weren't enough, I am a mom.......over 30.......not saying how much over.....let's leave it at that. Most style blogs I see are young ladies...... so I'm here to represent!

I am Adrienne, I have two kiddos, Ella and Max and my awesome husband Ross. I've been sewing since I was young but have never made anything more than a pillowcase until this year. Also this year, for my birthday, I received my first DSLR camera. I will not exaggerate my experience, I am a beginner. But I have all the books, youtube videos and a willingness to learn. Thanks for taking the time to read my first post. Hope you will come back and follow me on Instagram! @pinkncharlie

This pink skirt is in honor of my launching Pink&Charlie......I made it, and it is literally two rectangles and a piece of elastic. But sometimes simple is best!

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