Saturday, June 20, 2015

I Heart Ronson......Pretty Summer Dresses

Is there ever a bad time to wear a pretty sundress? Actually, it seems like the window is very small. Summer goes by in a flash and I try to wedge in as many bare-shoulder sundresses while I have the chance. They just make you feel so.......girly. Often mamas don't take time to feel girly and pretty. There are many days when I still have my pajamas on at two o'clock in the afternoon......and that's ok with me (perhaps less OK for the FedEx guy). It is nice though to get dressed up once in while and do your hair and just feel pretty for a day.  Take time to treat yourself occasionally if you don''s good for the soul!

JCPenney has a sweet little collection of I Heart Ronson clothing. Every piece has a retro 50's meets 80's feel. It's not a brand that I own much of because it's mainly accent pieces versus staples. But I continue to seek out that section when I want something fun. And doesn't this pretty little dress feel fun?

I wore heels for this photo but would easily wear sandals for a picnic or day trip.

Thanks for stopping by! I welcome your comments and suggestions.

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