Monday, June 29, 2015

Thrifty Finds

I enjoy browsing style blogs and Pintrest for outfit ideas. But nine times out of ten, if I like something, and follow the link, it's a dress from Saks for $399. That's not in my budget, and even if it were, I still wouldn't feel comfortable buying it (unless it was for a really really special occasion). So at a very early age I began to shop thrift stores. I have been a Goodwill shopper since I was able to shop. Thrift stores meets so many needs. You don't have to love it for life, so it's a great place to pick up trendy pieces. And better yet, you can chop up pieces and sew them into new clothing! What could be better? My favorite thing about thrift stores is that you can find unusual vintage pieces (unfortunately I am beginning to realize my childhood wardrobe is now considered vintage). 

My top places for non staple thrifty clothing are Ross, Marshall's, Old Navy and Goodwill (or any local thrift stores I may find.......and I'm not too cool to bring a coupon to Goodwill).  I love Forever 21 but am too tall for most of there clothes.  It's perfect for accessories though! Feel free to add to the list in the comments below. I'm always up for a new place to bargain shop!

This is my new favorite top from Ross. Only $9. Woohoo!

             The jeans are from Gap, a good place for staple jeans (link here). 

Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your favorite thrifty shopping sources!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Black & White Tulsa

For todays post I will put clothing aside and discuss a different sort of style. Tulsa is known for it's architecture....Art Deco architecture to be specific. Art Deco was just gaining popularity about the time Tulsa hit it's oil money boom of the 20's. To this day Tulsa remains a  prominent destination for Art Deco enthusiasts. 

 I only scratched the surface of the stunning sights in downtown Tulsa. Most are examples of Art Deco but not all.  My current photography goal is composition. For that reason I have the buildings in only black and white. And as a bonus I think it helps you can focus more on the architecture.

Holy Family Cathedral 


Southwestern Bell Main Dial Building

Philtower Building

Southwestern Bell Main Dial Building


Boston Avenue Methodist Church 

Boston Avenue Methodist Church 

Boston Avenue Methodist Church 

Arnies. Not so much architectural but a fine sight in downtown. 

The Blue Dome (well looks more gray here) is not Art Deco, but still quite unusual. Originally built as a gas station in 1912 this building was given it's "blue dome" out of whimsy to attract customers.

I would love to hear your comments and suggestions! Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Favorites

I think every blog needs a seasonal favorite things post. I imagine, with my interest in photography, my favorite things will come around more than once a season. But I couldn't wait to put together a few things that I just can't get enough of this summer.

1. Bright Orange Jcrew Swimsuit

Jcrew has mastered the concept of ruching. I have yet to purchase a suit I didn't love.

2. My Crafty Beaded Necklace

I found a tutorial for this beachy summer necklace and had to make one. It was so simple and everything came from Joann Fabric.

(Tutorial here)

3. Two New Polishes: China Glaze in Pool Party (Sally's) and Milani in Cupcake Icing (Walmart)

These are both my favorite colors this season. A neon orange just looks so fun with all sandals and the pinky-purple is an unusual soft feminine color.

4. Beautiful Day Diamond Shimmering Mist and Ultra Shea Body Cream from Bath and Body Works (link here)

I pretty much love anything shimmery. But this fruity fresh fragrance smells like summer to me. 

5. Honey Bronze Shimmering Dry Oil from The Body Shop (link here)

Did I mention I love to shimmery things? Often I just need a touch of color and shine on my legs and this does just the trick. It's subtle, pretty and has a nice fragrance. But smell before you buy because I have heard some don't love it as much as I do.

6. Aviator Sunglasses

Any kind from anywhere! They really are the best on most people. I buy others but keep coming back to these favorites.

Comment and share some of your summer favorites!

Thanks for stopping by! 
Please subscribe and leave comments or suggestions.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Pintrest and Finding Your Style

I read recently about finding your own personal style. The suggestion was, in a nutshell, to find your top ten enduring  pieces and see what sort of style they speak to. I followed the advise and found all of my favorites were solid classic pieces most in gray, navy and white but with bright colors mixed in. I prefer texture to patten.....linen, denim, chambray. I shy away from pattern because I know I will tire of it quickly. Those are the less expensive impulse buy items that don't get a place in my top ten. I think it was helpful to see the favorites all lined up. I recommend the exercise to find out what is and is not worth spending your money on.

Pinterest is full of outfit ideas for every age and body type. If ever I am stumped as to what to wear to an occasion I go and look at all of my favorite style pins. I pinned this photo (link below) on Pinterest about two years ago. It spoke to me then as it still does today. I like the simplicity of it. Pairing the skirt with a muted gray t-shirt makes it feel more casual. My thinking was, if I have enjoyed the picture for two years, it's safe to say it's my style. Or perhaps that's just how I justified another shopping trip!

Pintrest favorite (link here)

The skirt is from Old Navy (link here) and the t-shirt is from an unknown origin so I will post a similar link here

 Thanks for stopping by! I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

I Heart Ronson......Pretty Summer Dresses

Is there ever a bad time to wear a pretty sundress? Actually, it seems like the window is very small. Summer goes by in a flash and I try to wedge in as many bare-shoulder sundresses while I have the chance. They just make you feel so.......girly. Often mamas don't take time to feel girly and pretty. There are many days when I still have my pajamas on at two o'clock in the afternoon......and that's ok with me (perhaps less OK for the FedEx guy). It is nice though to get dressed up once in while and do your hair and just feel pretty for a day.  Take time to treat yourself occasionally if you don''s good for the soul!

JCPenney has a sweet little collection of I Heart Ronson clothing. Every piece has a retro 50's meets 80's feel. It's not a brand that I own much of because it's mainly accent pieces versus staples. But I continue to seek out that section when I want something fun. And doesn't this pretty little dress feel fun?

I wore heels for this photo but would easily wear sandals for a picnic or day trip.

Thanks for stopping by! I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Not all Maxi Dresses are Created Equal

   Ahhhhh the maxi dress. The modern Muu-muu. An easy comfort-conscious choice for the busy mom. But be careful. The maxi dress can make you look.....well......maxi-mum. As in large.  If you are short, it can make you look even shorter, if it has no shape, it's likely to make you look shape-less. If it's light in color it can expand all the wrong parts. 

   So what should you look for? If you have curves, go for a maxi with a narrow waistline. Short? Pair it with heels to elongate your stature. I generally opt for a darker color because it's naturally slimming. And unless you are in an Anthropology photo shoot, you probably don't want to opt for a shapeless drapey number....they only flatter when you are on the end of a pier blowing in the wind. 

   The maxi I am wearing is a past season Fossil dress. It remains narrow for the first 10-12 inches and there is no excess fabric until the bottom which I find the more flattering on my body type. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Goodbye Fossil Clothing

  On this warm and rainy day I bring you a sad tale of my favorite clothing store......Fossil. If you never had a Fossil clothing store in your city I'm sorry....but then again this news won't hurt as much. As of earlier this year Fossil slowly sold the remainder of their clothing and went back to watches and handbags exclusively. The clothing they sold was a mixture of vintage and classic, dressy and casual.........perfect for the over 30 crowd. Using unique patterns and textures with a hint of decades past they drew me in and made me a regular shopper. But alas, it's over.........goodbye Fossil clothing......see you on Ebay.

The top and shorts are from Fossil.......sigh. Sweater from Target (similar here) and my favorite shoes from DSW (link here).

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Little Red Dress

  I am a shortcut taker when it comes to crafting and sewing. I do not like the tedious. But when it comes to clothing, I am also likely to tire of a dress before it falls apart. So it makes sense to shortcut steps like finishing inside seams etc. Patterns? Forget it.  So when I found Merrick's Art tutorials, I felt I had hit gold! This pretty lady makes beautiful clothing.....but she doesn't use least not the traditional types. She lays out an older dress or skirt, cuts out parchment paper to use as a guide, and voila.... her own simple pattern. I could handle this. So this red dress is a combination of one of her tutorials (link here) and my learning how to do a basting stitch (tutorial here). The gathered part of the dress eluded me before and it was so easy. Enjoy!

  The handbag is from Banana Republic is out of stock so I'll link a similar style here. Necklace from Icing (similar here for $5!). Sandals from Gap (last season).

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Meet Pink&Charlie

  I will begin with some sort of "all about me" and "why I'm doing this" post.  I love fashion as well as sewing and photography. That just screams blog doesn't it? And if that weren't enough, I am a mom.......over 30.......not saying how much over.....let's leave it at that. Most style blogs I see are young ladies...... so I'm here to represent!

I am Adrienne, I have two kiddos, Ella and Max and my awesome husband Ross. I've been sewing since I was young but have never made anything more than a pillowcase until this year. Also this year, for my birthday, I received my first DSLR camera. I will not exaggerate my experience, I am a beginner. But I have all the books, youtube videos and a willingness to learn. Thanks for taking the time to read my first post. Hope you will come back and follow me on Instagram! @pinkncharlie

This pink skirt is in honor of my launching Pink&Charlie......I made it, and it is literally two rectangles and a piece of elastic. But sometimes simple is best!