Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Easy Breezy Cocoon Dress Tutorial

Pink&Charlie Cocoon Dress Tutorial

This is my first sewing tutorial so be patient with me. Before we begin I must ask all perfectionists to leave the room. 

What you will need:

1.25 yards of a rayon or other drappy fabric (mine is from Joann)
Matching thread
Parchment paper

Step 1: Find a dolman sleeve or similar loose fitting top in your closet to use as a pattern guide. The top I used is more or less sleeveless so I added more of a sleeve by extending from the shoulder and armpit a few inches. Use parchment paper and trace the top folded in half. I only traced the neckline of the back but you could make two patterns and do the front and back neckline (this is where I'm lazy....I just decide the front neckline as I go along).

*You can use the pattern for a top or long dress as well just adjust the length.

Step 2: Fold the fabric toward the center and place your pattern with the "non-sleeve" side to the fold (see picture below). Pin the pattern in place and cut around the pattern (except the bottom of the top) leaving a 1/4 to 1/2 inch seam allowance. I then cut the bottom of the pattern extra long so that I can hem it to my desired length later. Repeat on the other fold.

Step 3: So now you have two long pieces that each, if opened, resemble 1/2 of a maxi dress. Lay the two pieces wrong side out and pin together along the top of the shoulder and from armpit to the bottom.

Step 4: Try on! Make sure it can be slipped on and that there is no terrible mistake you made. Also at this point you might refer to a dress you have in your closet to find the right length. Mine is about 2-3 inches below my fingertips. Cut the bottom to the desired length leaving a 1-1.5 inch hem allowance. 

Step 5: Sew across the shoulders first and then from the bottom of the sleeve, down the armpit, to the bottom of the dress. 

*This is about when I decide on a neckline for the front. I freehand cut a little at a time to get the desired effect. I chose a v-neck for this. Use one of your other shirts as a guide if you're scared.

Step 6: Hem the sleeves and the bottom of the dress. Always fold the fabric twice to prevent fraying and iron and pin before hemming. For that part I always take my time and try on to make sure the hem is even.....too many bad experiences. 

Step 7: Interfacing! Don't be's really easy. But it's hard to explain so I linked a tutorial here.  The basic idea is that you make a strip of fabric that goes around the neckline. Sew (right side of interfacing to right side of dress), fold it into dress and sew again on top. Simple right? You can always just fold it down and sew but the interfacing looks much better. 

Pink&Charlie Cocoon Dress Tutorial

 Voila! You have a casual cocoon dress that can be dressed up for evening or paired with flip-flops for a trip to Target!

Pink&Charlie Cocoon Dress Tutorial

Pink&Charlie Cocoon Dress Tutorial

Or you could just buy one.......

Feel free to leave comments or questions!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Back to School Shopping for Girls

Pink&Charlie Back to School Shopping for Girls

 Ughhh.......It's back to school time again. I really hate to see the summer go. :(

    And if your kids are growing as fast a mine, then about this time of year you find their jeans have all been cut off because they are too short. Their tops are starting to look ragged and faded after a summer of fun. It's time for the annual back to school shopping! So I have provided a basic checklist so that you don't go out there without a plan.

   But before you use the list, make an inventory of what you do have that's in good condition. Locate all of those off-season purchases you tucked away somewhere last winter and narrow down what you need. This list is not intended to get you through the year. It is a suggestion of staples that your little lady can wear, with her existing pieces, to make sure she will have at least a weeks worth of outfits that can be rotated.

   I listed the bottoms first because it seems easier to work from there to find tops that coordinate. Then you can add the accessories and layering pieces to finish the outfits. Try to get tops that go with at least two of your bottoms and accessories that are versatile. 

So here we go!


2 pairs of jeans (one colored, one classic)

1 pair 3/4 length pants or jeans

2 pair of shorts (one plain, one patterned)

1 skirt


3 t-shirts, (two solid, one graphic)

2 shirts (non-t-shirt, e.g. sleeveless button up)

2 layering pieces (denim or crocheted vest or scarf)


1 casual dress

2 fun necklaces

2 pair of shoes (one sandals that won't slip off and one sneakers)

1 super-cool backpack

  You probably won't need all of this but it makes for a nice checklist. I have offered up some options below mostly from Target, Old Navy and Gap followed by 5 outfits using some of the items.

  And btw..... if you think Gap is kind of expensive, sign up for their emails. I get 40% (my entire purchase) notices all the time. I find them to be less expensive in the end than Target or Old Navy and better quality!

* Just bought the silver shoes below for $8 at Target! Woo hoo!!!

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

Outfit 4

Outfit 5

Yes that is about $300 worth of clothes...and no, I will not be spending that. But it gives me a jumping off point to see where we are and what we need.

Happy shopping!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Update from the Gulf

It's very hard to do a style blog from the beach when you spend every day in the same two swimsuits. So I will pause the fashion to bring you some fun mid-week photos of our stay on Pensacola Beach. I can't get over the water and how amazingly blue-green and clear it is. They do not call it the Emerald Coast for nothing! We drove to Destin and it has even clearer water and white sands....but much more touristy. I tend to gravitate to the more relaxing places but to each his own. 

The beach is beautiful but spending time with family is the truly rewarding part of the trip. I'm feeling pretty blessed.

Pensacola beach vacation

Beach babe.

Storms rolling in.

Pensacola beach vacation

Jellyfish hunter

Pensacola beach vacation

Pensacola beach vacation

Pretty pink condo

Relaxing by the pool :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Instagram Style

   One of my favorite things to do on Instagram is browse my favorite style bloggers OOTD's...that's "outfit of the day" for those of you who are unfamiliar. During the school year I have to get "dressed" everyday and often need some inspiration. I tend to get bored with my wardrobe and seeing how others put things together is really helpful. So I thought I would encourage you to follow me on Instagram "pinknharlie" as well as my favorite fashion instagramer "mrscasual" who is also a teacher and has great outfit ideas.

So here are a few of my #ootd's for you to check out. Definitely more to come this fall!

Instagram outfit of the day ootd pinkncharlie

Instagram outfit of the day ootd pinkncharlie

Instagram outfit of the day ootd pinkncharlie

Instagram outfit of the day ootd pinkncharlie

Thanks for stopping in!

Monday, July 13, 2015

3 Ways to Style a Kimono

3 ways to style a kimono

About six months ago I started sewing again. It had been about oh ......say....ten years give or take. Yeah... I'm not what you would call a "seamstress". But I love anything that I think I might just be able to do myself. So I was inspired by this little "kimono" top tutorial (link here). It made this sound so easy (I debated writing "sew easy"). The directions literally said, "cut out two rectangles". How hard could that be? It really was easy and if you choose a knit fabric, you don't even have to hem the edges, it won't fray! Soooo.....if you have a sewing machine and have been avoiding taking it out for a while, this is the project to kick-start your return! Or if you have always wanted to learn how to use the darn thing....this top could not be easier. 

Below I have shown 3 ways to style your newly made (or bought) kimono. I see them almost everywhere and they make a great summer layering piece. 


ways to style a kimono

So this one I made out of an aztec print from Joann Fabrics. It can be dressed up or down but here I paired it with cut-offs and sandals. Perfect for a casual outing!

Jean shorts American Eagle last season similar here. Camisole by Fossil many seasons ago and kimono by me!

ways to style a kimono

This fabric is also from Joann's. Shown here I dressed it up with some neutral heels and dark skinny jeans.

Kimono by me! Jeans from Gap, link here. Shoes from Forever 21 last season. Similar here.

ways to style a kimono

I think this is my favorite. Styling the kimono with a gray tank and boyfriend jeans is comfy yet stylish!

Jeans from Gap (similar link here). Tank from Forever 21 ($1.90 and they last, I have one in every color) and kimono from Ross last season.

So to make your search easier here are a few of my favorite kimonos all under $50. 

Thanks for stopping in! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

5 Tips for Dressing Age Appropriate

coco chanel quote

Let me begin by saying that if dressing your age is not something you are concerned with, read no further! I think if you love something, and it makes you happy, go for it (provided you retain a certain amount of modesty). So please don't think I want to change those fashion free-spirits.

That said, for those of us who are constantly asking, "Is this outfit too young?" or "Does this make me look older?" here are a few tried and true tips for calming your fears. It's only in the past 5 years that I was concerned, as a mom, if I was dressing too young. As you age you often see yourself as you were ten years ago and still enjoy the trendy things you see on the 20 year olds. So I thought I would seek out some standards by which I can test my style. Consider these 5 simple rules to stay current but age appropriate.

5 tips for dressing age appropriate

1. Pay attention to what women your age are wearing. Now Lady Gaga may be your age but that is of course not what I am talking about. Consider women you know to be thought of by peers to dress well and take your cues from them. This doesn't mean you have to dress like other women your age, but considering what they wear will help you weed out the age inappropriate.

2. Shop for your staple pieces in age appropriate sections of the store. If you are over 40, less than 5%  of your clothing (if that) should come from the juniors section (unless you are 4'11" and that's all that fits). I will go into Forever 21, but I feel generally out of place there.....I know now that it's hardly forever. This does not mean you have to go to the elastic waisted St. John's Bay section of JCPenneys.  Target, Old Navy, Gap among many others have great trendy age appropriate clothing.

3. If your daughter is wearing it, it's probably not for you. Now I know there are some exceptions to this rule. T-shirts and jeans or button-up shirts etc. can be versatile and generally span the ages. But babydoll dresses, mini skirts and other trendy pieces may make you look like you are trying too hard to stay young. "They" say, if you wore it last time it was in style, don't wear it this time.......or at least use caution if you do.

4. If you have been wearing it for 15+ years, it may need an update. This speaks to the women who get stuck in a fashion rut. Perhaps it's the jeans with the 14 inch zipper, or the hairstyle you liked in the 70's. All I will say is that if you are stuck in a rut, go back to rule #1 and start looking at other stylish women your age.

5. Get to know your body type. Women in their early 20's generally have an ideal body type that can pull off most trends. As we age and have babies we develop curves in places we didn't have them before. This makes some trends totally inappropriate for our body type. Lots of women have embraced flowey tops to hide the mommy pooch and they pair it with skinny jeans for a slimming effect. If you have a small waist and larger bust or hips emphasis the waist. Pinterest has so many posts on dressing for your body type if you are not sure. It's critical for looking age appropriate.

So if you have talked with me lately, I probably mentioned my new favorite store Versona. I had no idea what kind of store it was until I popped in the other day. They offer a huge selection of on trend clothing for women of all ages.....and I think that's hard to say about most stores. They had a huge selection of adorable jewelry as well from statement to delicate pieces. I highly recommend you stop in!

The top is from Versona (link here). Jeans from Gap (link here). 

Loving the delicate details in the top!

5 tips for dressing age appropriate

Thanks for stopping by! Follow me on social media by clicking the links and I always welcome your comments!

Monday, July 6, 2015

5 Ways to Style a Denim Vest

This is my first denim vest. Yes, they were in style when I was younger and yes, I am wearing them now. But I think denim is exempt from that rule (except stonewash). The title of this post was originally three ways to wear a denim vest. But, as evidenced by the pile of clothes I now have on my bed, I simply could not stop at three. In fact, what I found is almost every outfit is improved when paired with a denim vest. Layering  tends to make things look more put together and is difficult in  summer because of the heat. The denim vest is the answer my friends! I purchased this one from Ross. If you run, you too can have one. But I also linked two other vests here (from Target) and here (from Gap). 

denim vest outfit

1.Pair it with a patterned sundress and some neutral wedges. 

denim vest outfit

2. Pair it with patterned shorts, a tank and sandals.

denim vest outfit

3. Pair it with a maxi and sandals. If you own a maxi with little form on top, the denim vest creates a feminine shape.

denim vest outfit

4. Pair it with a patterned tank, white shorts and wedges. (This might be my favorite!)

denim vest outfit

5. Pair it with a bright solid colored swing dress and sandals.

These are only a few of the outfits I tried and loved. I could hardly narrow it down to five! I highly recommend the purchase of a denim vest could potentially double your wardrobe. And if it's been in the back of your closet, perhaps you will move it to the front and give it the love it deserves!

Thanks for stopping in! 
Feel free to leave comments and follow me on social media!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

7 Vintage Garage Sale Finds.......that look (but don't cost) Anthropologie

  I love a good garage sale. And I can haggle with the best of em! I am also a fan of decorating my house with vintage decor. People often ask me where I found these little treasures and nine times out of ten it was a garage sale or estate sale. Antique stores usually know what they have and price things higher so I tend to focus more on the garage sales of older folks.

  The secret is knowing what to look for.  When I'm looking for vintage decor I always have anthropology style in my head. I came up with a list of seven types of items that are commonly found at garage or estate sales and help create a vintage feel.

1. Glassware

In particular pretty colored glassware. It's quite common and if you are not buying some of the name brand glassware of the 50's then you can find it quite reasonably. It makes any table look pretty!

I use this little snifter on a stack of books in a wooden tray and many people have commented on it. It's such a unique piece. 

2. Knick-Knacks

The candy dish and the jewelry boxes both purchased from an estate sale for under $2 each. I have used the candy dish on my coffee table over a stack of magazines or as decor on a bookshelf. The jewelry boxes and mirror are so delicate in a light filled bathroom. West Elm sells them for a $32 each. I bought mine for a quarter a piece. These types of knick-knacks make any space pop!

3. Linens

So I actually got the towels from grandma......but the others are from garage sales. I love finding linens and reusing them for table cloths and curtains. The styles from the 60's and 70's are very in right now and can be found in pretty good condition. They are perfectly faded....a quality some stores charge a lot for.

Are these not the cutest sheets?

4. Bowls

I use miscellaneous bowls for decoration all over my house filling them with pretty books or fruit. I also use the wooden bowls for that space above my cabinets in the kitchen. They make for an interesting salad bowl as well! The wire baskets are quite expensive at antique stores right now and cost $30-100 at Pottery Barn. I have purchased a few at estate sales for next to nothing and they are both functional and appealing.

5. Small Vintage Appliances

I see typewriters, clocks, lamps and more at garage and estate sales quite often. If you go to an antique store they can be quite expensive and often they are worth it because they add so much to a room. I actually use this fan in my bedroom so it's functional as well as unique. Look for pieces that can serve as accents on top of an armor, nestled in a bookshelf or on a desk. You will be surprised how much style they add to a room.

6. Art

Garage sales are a great place to find framed art. And often a change of frame is all they need to improve an old piece of artwork. I find birds and flowers quite often and they are often faded to perfection.  These two birds pictures (they are actually painted on fabric) I found and reframed in empty frames (that almost match) found at a different garage sale. I think they are sweet!

7. Books

One of my favorite things to decorate with is vintage books. You can find unique colors and sizes.  Use them flat as a stand for a trinket or spaced in an interesting way on a book shelf. I have almost no room for books anymore because I love to stack them in cute little stacks instead of efficiently lining them up. The two phonebooks are favorites of mine. Unusual books are the best!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you will now garage sale for your home with confidence!

Follow me on social media by clicking the links and, as always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

6 Essential Summer Beauty Products

Everyone has their little beauty secrets that they swear by. I am no exception to this. We all have our reasons why we do what we do. It may be a grandmother who swore by this product or a friend who has beautiful skin. Whatever the reason, it seems to me, if you have one that is so good, it must be shared! So here are my top six products that I love for summer as well as year-round beauty.

Coconut oil can be used for everything from stir-fry to makeup remover. I am a huge fan of coconut oil. Because I color my hair, it is often dry and fragile. Sleeping with a coat of coconut oil on your hair makes a visible difference the next day. Just don't forget to cover your pillow with a towel. I also use coconut oil to wash my face. No soap......just the oil and a warm washcloth. It makes makeup slide right off and leaves your face moisturized without clogging pores. Try it and see if you don't love the way it feels. Most jars cost about $6 and last forever!

Salicylic acid scrub works wonders on razor burn. If you are like me, summer and swimsuits come with the dreaded bikini line razor burn. This product has changed my life. The brand is up to you as long as it is a scrub with salicylic acid. I use it every morning in the shower and it prevents redness and ingrown hairs. This tube was under $4.

This hairspray is supposedly a secret of the stars. Found at almost any Walmart or Target, L'Oreal Elnett is an incredibly good spray if you want hold but you don't want the look or feel of hairspray (which I hate). If you brush it, however, it's gone. So don't brush through after you spray unless you are starting over. It's that light. This was the priciest at about $14.

With this next product I feel like I'm giving away the trade secret to soft skin.......or at least giving away my old friend's secret. Many years ago my good friend told me she used baby oil all over in the shower before she dried off. I have used it ever since. I love it that much. It's great for your legs after shaving, perfect for extra soft skin in the summer when all that pretty skin is exposed. Plus, it smells great! But be careful not to slip in the shower! Buy the generic for under $3 for a huge bottle.

In the summer I want to go without makeup.....but my age is showing so I don't like to go without any makeup. Olay Pore Minimizing CC Cream with sunscreen is tinted and won't clog pores. It does seem to minimize the look of wrinkles...... whether it has a long term effect I'm not sure. But it's light weight and has sunscreen so it's a great alternative to wearing foundation. About $10-15 depending where you buy.

Moroccan Moisture Argon Oil is amazing for split ends. I use it daily on the drier parts of my hair to minimize the look of breakage. I'm very sensitive to greasy things in my hair and this product is not greasy. In fact I put it on the ends and it does exactly what I want it to do and leaves the hair light and  clean feeling. Around $5.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the blog!
 I would love your comments on affordable beauty secrets of your own!

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